
شرکت الکتروپیک به منظور اطلاع رسانی در جهت محصولات خود اقدام به تهیه نرم افزار موبایل الکتروپیک نموده است که شما می توانید با استفاده از این نرم افزار با شرکت الکتروپیک، محصولات آن و خدمات شرکت آشنا شوید

ساخته شده توسط شرکت MTeam  تولید کننده نرم افزار موبایل

دانلود نسخه android نرم افزار از کافه بازار

دانلود نسخه ios نرم افزار ازappstore

دانلود نسخه android نرم افزار  از google play


اپلیکیشن asa- شرکت تولید نرم افزار MTeam

ASA-SJEC application is developed to help architects and designer in construction projects. This application contains elevator & escalator tools and catalogues for offering the most appropriate equipment for your buildings. 
Different elevator products such as machine room less, machine room, geared and gearless as well as wide range of cars at different speeds are also included in this application.
In addition escalator for commercial and public places, passenger conveyor and moving surfaces for airports and hyper markets are also available. Required information in different stages of design and construction of transportation system throughout your buildings are well categorized in this tools. So, you can freely choose best products to
meet your requirement
     ساخته شده توسط شرکت mteam apps  تولید کننده نرم افزار موبایل

دانلود نسخه android نرم افزارASA-SJEC از کافه بازار

دانلود نسخه ios نرم افزارASA-SJEC ازappstore