

منچ English version

Exciting game Mench  can amaze you and your friends for a few moments. You can play this game in single-player or multi-player mode.

Mensch originated in Germany. Its original name is Mensch ärgere dich nicht" which means "Do not get annoyed, man". It has many fans in Iran, India and china.

The game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players.

Enjoy your moments ….

 ساخته شده توسط شرکت mteam apps تولید کننده نرم افزار موبایل

دانلود نسخه ios نرم افزارمنچ به زبان انگلیسی ازappstore

جنگ حهانی English version

اپلیکیشن جنگ جهانی به زبان انگلیسی- شرکت تولید نرم افزار MTeam

Surely, you also feel tired during the day and try to create variety in your work, under various pretexts

You may drink water, send SMS to your friends, listen to music, and walk a little and You can do all these things to be able to continue with alzl your strength. We've tried to make another way for you. "World War" is a strategic game that provides you a good time. You command a full-blown battle in this game. You must both protect your territory and destroy the enemy. If you've already done the risk game, you're more comfortable with the game. The goal of each player is to take over more integrated countries in the region and destroy and disperse enemy forces. However, you can apply a variety of strategies. Be sure that this game is rough. This can be played as a single or two player games with HD quality

You can play safely; just take care of your spine! If you get used to the game, it's hard to leave

Play and enjoy it

ساخته شده توسط شرکت mteam apps  تولید کننده نرم افزار موبایل

دانلود نسخه ios نرم افزار جنگ حهانی به زبان انگلیسی ازappstore